Hariyalo Rajasthan Campaign

Hariyalo Rajasthan Campaign

Seth Gyaniram Bansidhar Podar College, Nawalgarh, under the auspices of the Anandilal Podar Trust, successfully launched the “Hariyalo Rajasthan Abhiyan (One Tree for Mother)” campaign on 7/8/2024.
The event was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including:

Shri Vikram Singh Jakhal, Honorable MLA of Nawalgarh
Shri Surendra Saini, Podar Alumni and Former Chairman, Nagar Palika, Nawalgarh
Shri M.D. Shanbhag, Executive Director, The Anandilal Podar Trust, Nawalgarh
Dr. Durga Bhojak, Principal, B.Ed. College
Objectives of the Campaign
The primary objectives of the campaign were:

To contribute to the state government’s initiative of making Rajasthan greener.
To raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation among students, faculty, and the community.
To foster a sense of responsibility towards nature among the younger generation.

Key Highlights
Inauguration: The campaign was officially launched with a tree plantation ceremony at the college campus.
Guest Speakers: Shri Vikram Singh Jakhal emphasized the campaign’s significance and commended the Podar Educational Institutions for their commitment to environmental conservation.
Participation:* Students, faculty, and staff actively participated in the tree plantation drive.
Sustainability: The college has committed to nurturing the planted saplings and ensuring their survival.
Community Involvement: The campaign aimed to involve the local community in environmental conservation efforts.

Registration: A Google form encouraged Students and staff to register for the campaign.
Sapling Distribution: The college provided saplings to participants and assigned them responsibility for their care.
Training: Workshops were conducted to educate participants about the importance of tree plantation and the proper techniques for planting and nurturing saplings.
Monitoring: A dedicated team was responsible for monitoring the growth and survival of the planted saplings.

The campaign has had a significant impact on the college campus and the surrounding community. It has:
Increased awareness about environmental issues.
Fostered a sense of community and responsibility among students and staff.
Contributed to the greening of the campus and the local area.
Strengthened the college’s commitment to sustainability.

The “Hariyalo Rajasthan Abhiyan” at Seth Gyaniram Bansidhar Podar College, Nawalgarh, has been a resounding success. The event has contributed to environmental conservation and strengthened the bond between the college and the community. The college is committed to continuing these efforts and inspiring others to join the cause of environmental protection.

Glimpse of The Event