International workshop

International workshop

A two-day international workshop was organized at Seth G.B. Podar College run by the Anandilal Podar Trust. The workshop focused on the protection and conservation of raptors, specifically in Austria. The main speaker for this event was the esteemed Austrian bird scientist, Johannes A. Heineiger.
The workshop commenced with a warm welcome from the Principal, Dr. Satyendra Singh, who extended a gracious welcome to Johannes Heineiger. Johannes played a pivotal role in shedding light on the protection of raptors, emphasizing the critical aspects of their conservation and the challenges faced. He discussed various bird species, their unique characteristics, and the variations among them. Furthermore, Johannes shared his insights about the local area and its significance in bird conservation, particularly in Austria. He highlighted the importance of biodiversity in conservation efforts and provided valuable information on new research and facts pertaining to the bio-conservation food chain.
The Head of the Department, Dr. Daulal Bohra, expressed his gratitude to Johannes for his enlightening and informative session. The event was graced by the presence of several faculty members, including Prof. Neha, Prof. Mahima Soni, and Prof. Rama Didwania, alongside an audience enthusiastic students. Vice Principal Dr. Vinod Saini, actively participated in this international workshop.

Glimpse of The Event