NCC( National Cadet Corps)
The Seth Gyaniram Bansidhar Podar College has one NCC unit functioning under the 3 Rajasthan battalion with an efficient Associate NCC Officer (ANO). Undergraduate students of any stream/faculty of the college below the age of 20 years can get themselves enrolled in the first year of NCC. The duration of the NCC course for appearing in ‘C’ Certificate Examinations is three years.
Strength: 107
Boys (SD) : 62
Girls (SW) : 35
Association with :
The students joining NCC have a special opportunity of serving the nation by becoming officers in the armed forces. Students having a ‘C’ certificate of NCC are exempted from appearing in the written examination held by the Indian Defense Academy. Such students are directly interviewed by the Service Selection Board and are recruited as officers if found medically fit.
Mr. Vinod Kashawa, a student of our College (2011-12) had been selected for participating in the Republic Day Parade. He had been one of the sixty cadets selected out of 1600 cadets from all over India. Sgt. Rajesh Nehra had been selected for the Para Jumping Course (one month) at the Air Force Stadium, Agra. He was the only male cader from Rajasthan selected for jumping from an airforce plane from the height of 2500 feet. Recently, four of our NCC cadets have been selected for the Indian Air Force and the best NCC award was given to the unit of our College.
Mr. Hemant Bhichchar (Under officer in NCC), a student of our College has participated in the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi in the current year 2019.

NCC Motto
The Motto of the NCC is ‘Unity and Discipline’ which was adopted on 23 Dec 1957. In living up to its motto, the NCC strives to be and is one of the greatest cohesive forces of our nation, bringing together the youth hailing from different parts of our country and moulding them into united, secular and disciplined citizens of our nation.
NCC Flag
In 1954 the existing tri colour flag was introduced. The three colours in the flag depict the three Services of the Corps, red for the Army, deep blue for the Navy and light blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC and the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look and a distinct identity. Each lotus represents one NCC Directorate (Dte).
The aims of NCC is To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, sportsmanship and ideals of selfless service among the youth of the country.
• To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always be available for the service of the nation.
• To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.
Social Service and Community Development
NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of NCC cadets imbibing selfless service to the community, dignity of labour, importance of self-help, need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of society in their up-liftment. Some of the major activities are:-
• Tree Plantation – NCC cadets plant saplings and look after them in conjunction with the concerned State Departments.
• Blood Donation – Cadets donate blood as voluntary service whenever needed by Hospitals/Red Cross.
• Old Age Homes – Old Age Homes in the country are patronised and regularly visited by NCC cadets.
• Adult Education – NCC cadets visit remote areas, villages and underdeveloped areas to emphasize the need for education and to assist in the conduct of the Adult Education Programmes.
• Community Work – Cadets of NCC participate in the rural and urban community projects and other development works like village track improvement, cleaning of streets and ponds, sanitation drives etc.
• Disaster Relief – NCC has always extended immediate support during natural disasters and accidents. NCC cadets are trained to provide services during floods, earthquakes, cyclones and major train accidents etc.
• AIDS Awareness Programme – NCC participates actively in the AIDS Awareness Programme and is presently working alongwith UNAIDS and DG AFMS in carrying out AIDS Awareness Programmes throughout the country.
• Cancer Awareness Programme – NCC cadets actively participate in Cancer Awareness Programmesorganized at various cities
• Institutional Training – This training is mostly carried out in schools and colleges by the cadets. In addition, depending upon the type of wing, basic knowledge of that Service is imparted to the cadetse.g gliding and powered flying for Air Wing cadets and boat pulling and sailing for Naval Wing cadets.
• Camp Training – Camp training constitutes the most important part of NCC training. Every cadet in the NCC is expected to attend at least two camps during one’s tenure to complete the Training Syllabi.
• Annual Training Camps (ATC) – These are held within the state under the aegis of respective NCC Directorates. The camps are of 12 days duration for senior boys/girls and 10 days duration for junior boys/girls.
• Centrally Organized Camps (COC) – These camps are of an all India nature and are planned by HQ DGNCC in consultation with the Directorates nominated to conduct them. Selected cadets, as per the vacancies allotted to each Directorate, participate in these camps.