NSS( National Service Scheme)
The College has two units of the NSS functioning under the Ministry of HRD (Human Resource Development), Government of India. Apart from the plantation drives and welfare work aimed at women and children, the NSS units of The College carry out a special programme to create awareness against drug abuse, AIDS and several social ills. Under the special camping programme of the NSS units, three villages have been adopted for dedicated and focused services. The adoption of the village for concentrated services has now become a regular feature of the NSS programmes at the College. The government of Rajasthan has recognized the social service rendered by two units through the award of certificates during past sessions.

National Service Scheme popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Mahatma Gandhiji’s Centenary year, 1969 and aimed at developing student’s personality through community service. It is an attempt to bring social welfare of the rural communities by volunteer service. The National Service Scheme has been functioning with the motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence NSS Aims Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education. National Service Scheme is a community service Programme sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Govt. of India. I. Aims and objectives
The objectives of the National Service Scheme are to arouse in the students social conscience and to providing him/her with opportunity.
1. To work, with/among people
2. To engage in creative and constructive social action
3. To enhance his/her knowledge of himself/herself and the community
4. To put his/her scholarship to practical use in mitigating at least some of the problems
5. To gain skill in programme development to enable him/her for self employment
6. To bridge the gulf between the educated and uneducated masses.
7. To promote the will to serve the weaker section of the community
Term of N.S.S.
A Student enrolled in N.S.S is expected to put in at least 120 hours of social service in an academic year and shall be entitled to get a certificate from the University/ College / Institution on completion of years i.e. 240 hours.
Strength: 200
N.S.S ( Unit I) : 100
N.S.S ( Unit II) : 100
N.S.S Programmes
a) Regular N.S.S. activities
Under this students can undertake various social Programmes in the adopted village or in the college campus during the weekends or after college hours for not less than 120 hours per year.
b) Special Camping
Annual special camps will be organized in village for duration of 08 Days special project is taken up with the environment of local community during this period.