Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

M.Sc. Chemistry or Master of Science in Chemistry is a career-oriented postgraduate course of two years. The course is specially crated for the students willing to gain a more powerful grip over the areas of chemical reactions and chemical composition of substances.

The basic eligibility to pursue M.Sc. Chemistry is a graduate degree with Chemistry as allied discipline from a recognized college with at least 55% or more marks and minimum 60% marks are required for the candidates from the other states.

Starting from Pharmaceutical companies to Health centers, there are plenty of industries available for these graduates to explore. The major job profiles available are Teaching, Synthetic Lab Scientist, Research Officer, Solid State Chemistry Expert, Analytical Specialist, etc.

Students can also go for a M. Phil. or Ph.D. in Chemistry after successfully acquiring this degree. Pursuing a higher degree will not only serve as a gateway to advance work opportunities in the field but will also offer immense knowledge of the subject. There is a wide M.Sc. Chemistry scope for graduates in the Pharmacy industry, Research labs, Laboratories, Medical Colleges, etc. Some of the major MSc Chemistry jobs offered to these professionals are Chemist, Teacher/Professor, Pharmaceutical Sales Executive, Synthetic Lab Scientist, Research Officer (Chemistry/ Biochemistry),Solid State Chemistry Expert and Analytical Specialist.

Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University, Sikar has adopted the syllabus of University of Rajasthan, Jaipur for the course.


Any candidate from Rajasthan who has passed his/ her B.Sc. examination with minimum 55% or 55% marks in chemistry  from  recognized University is eligible to apply for the Master’s program. But the candidates from out side the Rajasthan who have passed their B.Sc. examination with minimum  60%  from  recognized University will be eligible to apply for the Master in Chemistry program.

Details of Faculty Members

Mr. Chetan Dadheech

Dean, Science.
Qualification: M.Sc., NET
Mobile: +91-9024491001
Experience:17 Years

Mr. Sudarshan Sharma

Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.
Mobile: +91-6350146470
Experience: 02 Years

Mr. Ambesh Kumar

Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc., NET
Mobile: +91-7737948521
Experience: 09 Years

Ms. Vishakha Punkhia

Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.
Mobile: +91-8739965725
Experience: 01 Years

Mr. Yogesh Verma

Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.
Mobile: +91-9587519889
Experience: 03 Years

Mrs. Reena Saini

Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.
Mobile: +91-8005763484
Experience: 09 Years


Course and Program Outcome

Landmark Acievements

Photo Gallery

Fresher's Party 2023

Street play on World Cancer Day

A lecture under Faculty Development Program on Literacy Education & Morality by Dr. B.U. Khan

Celebration of Children' day

Expert lecture on ``Uranium: An Element of National Importance for Atomic Energy Programes`` by Dr. DPS Rathore

Symposium on The Need of Research in the Classical Indian Text for the Welfare of Society and Life

Webinar on ``Doynes Of Chemistry`` by CP Bhasin

Webinar on Green Chemistry

Workshop on Food adulteration

Use of ICT Tools in science teaching on Birth Anniversary of PC Roy

Demonstration of working models in science exhibition

Guest lecture on importance of molecular symmetry Dr. B.U. Khan by

M.Sc. Final Seminar 2021-22

M.Sc. Final Seminar 2020-21